Table of contents


Mobile devices can be emulated with different softwares, there are different emulators in the market public emulators and private ones. Inside these emulators Android system can run and with it the applications. Emulators can be easily rooted and instrumented in order to detect the behavior of an application. Applications may want to avoid this to avoid the automatic analysis, both for legit purposes (DRM, IP, etc), and malicious purposes (avoid malware analysis).

The detection of emulators commonly is targeted for specific emulators and these are based on artifact detection.


System properties detection

As described in description, the techniques used for detecting emulators are specific for the emulator to detect, qemu is a well known emulation software that has also been adapted for emulating Android devices, here we will see each of the techniques used to detect this software.

System property checks

Detection of a fake camera, qemu creates a system property for cameras, the protection obtain the value from the property and check if is equal to the string “both”:

public static final boolean hasFakeCameras() {
    return Intrinsics.areEqual(UtilsKt.getProperty("qemu.sf.fake_camera"), "both");

Other qemu system properties refer to read-only properties for kernel startup, a protection could also check for the value ro.kernel.qemu, with the value “1”:

public static final boolean isQEMU() {
    return Intrinsics.areEqual(UtilsKt.getProperty("ro.kernel.qemu"), "1");

There are many other properties that can be checked by a protector in order to detect an emulated environment, these can be checked using a class for representing the name of the property and the value it should have for detecting the emulator, in this case all the next properties can used to check for qemu:

private static final Property[] PROPERTIES = {new Property("init.svc.qemud", null), new Property("init.svc.qemu-props", null), new Property("qemu.hw.mainkeys", null), new Property("qemu.sf.fake_camera", null), new Property("qemu.sf.lcd_density", null), new Property("ro.bootloader", "unknown"), new Property("ro.bootmode", "unknown"), new Property("ro.hardware", "goldfish"), new Property("", null), new Property("ro.kernel.qemu.gles", null), new Property("ro.kernel.qemu", "1"), new Property("ro.product.device", "generic"), new Property("ro.product.model", "sdk"), new Property("", "sdk"), new Property("ro.serialno", null)};

public static class Property {
    public String name;
    public String seek_value;

    public Property(String str, String str2) { = str;
        this.seek_value = str2;

private String getProp(Context context, String str) {
    try {
        Class<?> loadClass = context.getClassLoader().loadClass("android.os.SystemProperties");
        return (String) loadClass.getMethod("get", String.class).invoke(loadClass, str);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

private boolean checkQEmuProps() {
    Property[] propertyArr;
    int i = 0;
    for (Property property : PROPERTIES) {
        String prop = getProp(mContext,;
        if (property.seek_value == null && prop != null) {
        if (property.seek_value != null && prop.contains(property.seek_value)) {
    if (i >= 5) {
        return true;
    return false;

It is possible to use the system properties in order to detect koplayer emulator, in this case the code snippet is from a native library, which implies that the detection can be done in native side:

bool _Z19has_ko_player_propsv(void)
  char *value;
  undefined4 first_check;
  undefined4 p_property;
  undefined4 property_ptr;
  first_check = ro.ttvmd.caps.acc_decrypted;
  value = (char *)malloc(100);
  if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
    property_ptr = ro.ttvmd.caps.bat_decrypted;
    value = (char *)malloc(100);
    if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
      property_ptr = ro.ttvmd.caps.cam_decrypted;
      value = (char *)malloc(100);
      if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
        property_ptr = ro.ttvmd.caps.did_decrypted;
        value = (char *)malloc(100);
        if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
          property_ptr = ro.ttvmd.caps.gps_decrypted;
          value = (char *)malloc(100);
          if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
            property_ptr = ro.ttvmd.caps.rmt_decrypted;
            value = (char *)malloc(100);
            if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
              property_ptr = ro.ttvmd.caps.scr_decrypted;
              value = (char *)malloc(100);
              if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
                property_ptr = ttvmd.gps.latitude_decrypted;
                value = (char *)malloc(100);
                if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
                  property_ptr = ttvmd.gps.longitude_decrypted;
                  value = (char *)malloc(100);
                  if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
                    property_ptr = ttvmd.gps.status_decrypted;
                    value = (char *)malloc(100);
                    if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
                      property_ptr = ttvmd.gsm.cid_decrypted;
                      value = (char *)malloc(100);
                      if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
                        property_ptr = ttvmd.gsm.lac_decrypted;
                        value = (char *)malloc(100);
                        if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
                          property_ptr = ttvmd.gsm.mnc_decrypted;
                          value = (char *)malloc(100);
                          if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
                            property_ptr =;
                            value = (char *)malloc(100);
                            if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
                              p_property = ttvmd.surfaceflinger_inited_decrypted;
                              value = (char *)malloc(100);
                              if ((value == (char *)0x0) || (*value == '\0')) {
                                return false;
  return true;

The list of properties checked:

  • ro.ttvmd.caps.acc
  • ro.ttvmd.caps.bat
  • ro.ttvmd.caps.did
  • ro.ttvmd.caps.gps
  • ro.ttvmd.caps.rmt
  • ro.ttvmd.caps.scr
  • ttvmd.gps.latitude
  • ttvmd.gps.longitude
  • ttvmd.gps.status
  • ttvmd.gsm.cid
  • ttvmd.gsm.lac
  • ttvmd.gsm.mnc
  • ttvmd.surfaceflinger_inited

Check of props from Nox emulator

Nox emulator has various props that can be checked in order to detect the emulation environment:

bool has_nox_props(void)
  undefined4 uVar1;
  char *system_property;
  uVar1 = persist.nox.hardware_decrypted;
  system_property = (char *)malloc(100);
  if ((system_property == (char *)0x0) || (*system_property == '\0')) {
    uVar1 = persist.nox.board_decrypted;
    system_property = (char *)malloc(100);
    if ((system_property == (char *)0x0) || (*system_property == '\0')) {
      return false;
  return true;

Props checked:

  • persist.nox.hardware
  • persist.nox.board

Check of props from Genymotion

It is possible to check two props in Android with specific values in order to detect Genymotion emulator:

int is_genymotion_emulator(void)
  char *ro.product;
  char *pcVar1;
  int iVar2;
  ro.product = (char *)get_ro_product_manufacturer();
  if (ro.product == (char *)0x0) {
    ro.product = (char *)get_ro_product_vendor_manufacturer();
    if (ro.product != (char *)0x0) {
      pcVar1 = strstr(ro.product,Genymotion_decrypted);
      if (pcVar1 != (char *)0x0) goto LAB_0001c141;
    iVar2 = 0;
  else {
    pcVar1 = strstr(ro.product,Genymotion_decrypted);
    if (pcVar1 == (char *)0x0) goto LAB_0001c118;
    iVar2 = CONCAT31((int3)((uint)pcVar1 >> 8),1);
  return iVar2;

Props checked with its values checked:

  • ro.product.manufacturer: Genymotion
  • ro.product.vendor.manufacturer: Genymotion

Detection by check of Build class

The class android.os.Build contains various constants that are system values, a Java class can access these values in order to make different checks, and these checks can be used for detecting different emulators:

private boolean checkBasic() {
    boolean z = false;
    boolean z2 = Build.FINGERPRINT.startsWith("generic") || Build.MODEL.contains("google_sdk") || Build.MODEL.toLowerCase().contains("droid4x") || Build.MODEL.contains("Emulator") || Build.MODEL.contains("Android SDK built for x86") || Build.MANUFACTURER.contains("Genymotion") || Build.HARDWARE.equals("goldfish") || Build.HARDWARE.equals("vbox86") || Build.PRODUCT.equals("sdk") || Build.PRODUCT.equals("google_sdk") || Build.PRODUCT.equals("sdk_x86") || Build.PRODUCT.equals("vbox86p") || Build.BOARD.toLowerCase().contains("nox") || Build.BOOTLOADER.toLowerCase().contains("nox") || Build.HARDWARE.toLowerCase().contains("nox") || Build.PRODUCT.toLowerCase().contains("nox") || Build.SERIAL.toLowerCase().contains("nox");
    if (z2) {
        return true;
    if (Build.BRAND.startsWith("generic") && Build.DEVICE.startsWith("generic")) {
        z = true;
    boolean z3 = z | z2;
    if (!z3) {
        return "google_sdk".equals(Build.PRODUCT) | z3;
    return true;

Check telephony values

Some system features only exist in real devices, or in case of emulator some telephony values are hardcoded and well known.

Check of the system feature android.hardware.telephony, this system feature doesn’t have to be present in an emulator as this hardware is used for making use of calling services:

private boolean isSupportTelePhony() {
    return mContext.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature("android.hardware.telephony");

Another possibility is checking the phone numbers, emulators use fixed phone numbers by default and in case analyst didn’t change them, could be detected easily:

private static final String[] PHONE_NUMBERS = {"15555215554", "15555215556", "15555215558", "15555215560", "15555215562", "15555215564", "15555215566", "15555215568", "15555215570", "15555215572", "15555215574", "15555215576", "15555215578", "15555215580", "15555215582", "15555215584"};

private boolean checkPhoneNumber() {
    String line1Number = ((TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService("phone")).getLine1Number();
    for (String str : PHONE_NUMBERS) {
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(line1Number)) {
            return true;
    return false;

From the TelephonyManager is possible to obtain a phone device id, in the same way the numbers are fixed and well known, it happens with device ids by default:

private static final String[] DEVICE_IDS = {"000000000000000", "e21833235b6eef10", "012345678912345"};

private boolean checkDeviceId() {
    String deviceId = ((TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService("phone")).getDeviceId();
    for (String str : DEVICE_IDS) {
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(deviceId)) {
            return true;
    return false;

The international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) is a number that uniquely identifies every user of a cellular network. Emulators use a fake one, and that value can also be checked:

private static final String[] IMSI_IDS = {"310260000000000"};

private boolean checkImsi() {
    String subscriberId = ((TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService("phone")).getSubscriberId();
    for (String str : IMSI_IDS) {
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(subscriberId)) {
            return true;
    return false;

As emulators do not use telephony, the operator will be a fake one with a fake name, this value is commonly android, this can be checked in the next way:

private boolean checkOperatorNameAndroid() {
    return ((TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService("phone")).getNetworkOperatorName().equalsIgnoreCase("android");

Check of files

Different files can be checked to detect an emulator as they commonly need binaries or configuration files to run, these artifacts in case of knowing where the files are, are also easy to catch.

private static final String[] GENY_FILES = {"/dev/socket/genyd", "/dev/socket/baseband_genyd"};
private static final String[] ANDY_FILES = {"fstab.andy", "ueventd.andy.rc"};
private static final String[] NOX_FILES = {"fstab.nox", "init.nox.rc", "ueventd.nox.rc"};
private static final String[] PIPES = {"/dev/socket/qemud", "/dev/qemu_pipe"};
private static final String[] X86_FILES = {"ueventd.android_x86.rc", "ueventd.android_x86_64.rc", "x86.prop", "ueventd.ttVM_x86.rc", "init.ttVM_x86.rc", "fstab.ttVM_x86", "fstab.vbox86", "init.vbox86.rc", "ueventd.vbox86.rc"};

public boolean checkEmulatorFiles() {
    return checkFiles(GENY_FILES, "Geny") || checkFiles(ANDY_FILES, "Andy") || checkFiles(NOX_FILES, "Nox") || checkFiles(PIPES, "Pipes") || checkFiles(X86_FILES, "X86");

private boolean checkFiles(String[] strArr, String str) {
    for (String str2 : strArr) {
        if (new File(str2).exists()) {
            return true;
    return false;

Check qemu drivers

It is possible to detect qemu checking for possible drivers in /proc/tty/drivers or /proc/cpuinfo:

private static final String[] QEMU_DRIVERS = {"goldfish"};

private boolean checkQEmuDrivers() {
    File[] fileArr;
    for (File file : new File[]{new File("/proc/tty/drivers"), new File("/proc/cpuinfo")}) {
        if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {
            byte[] bArr = new byte[1024];
            try {
                FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            String str = new String(bArr);
            for (String str2 : QEMU_DRIVERS) {
                if (str.contains(str2)) {
                    return true;
    return false;

Check of configuration files

Configuration files can be different for an emulator than for a real device, for example a startup configuration file would start a service or would create a device for the emulator if needed.

The next snippet checks in ueventd.rc for a device from virtualbox virtualization software:

private boolean checkUeventdValues() {
    try {
        File file = new File("/ueventd.rc");
        if (file.exists()) {
            BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
            for (String readLine = bufferedReader.readLine(); readLine != null; readLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) {
                if (readLine.startsWith("/dev/vboxuser")) {
                    return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return false;

It is possible for the emulated environment and the guest environment to share a path where the analyst can push files that the emulated phone can read, or the phone can write files that analyst could read from if the path is shared between host and guest, in case of BlueStacks emulator, it is possible to detect it in the next way:

private boolean checkBstSharedFolder() {
    return new File("/sdcard/windows/BstSharedFolder").exists();

Check for MEmu App Player files

There are two possible files that can be present in MEmu App Player emulator, these are two kernel objects in /system/lib, the API call access can be used to check for the files:

bool has_memu_files(void)
  int iVar1;
  bool bVar2;
  iVar1 = access(/system/lib/mg.ko_decrypted,0);
  bVar2 = true;
  if (iVar1 == -1) {
    iVar1 = access(/system/lib/msf.ko_decrypted,0);
    bVar2 = iVar1 != -1;
  return bVar2;

The accessed files are:

  • /system/lib/mg.ko
  • /system/lib/msf.ko

Check for Nox files

Checks of files for detecting Nox emulator, in this case is done through running the command line ls /system/bin:

char ** get_system_bin_files(void)
  char **bin_files;
  bin_files = (char **)exec_command_lines(ls_/system/bin_decrypted);
  return bin_files;

int has_nox_files_system_bin(void)
  bool bVar1;
  bool bVar2;
  undefined4 uVar3;
  char **system_bin_files;
  int iVar4;
  undefined4 result;
  char **p_system_bin_files;
  char *file_to_ceck;
  char *system_bin_file;
  system_bin_files = get_system_bin_files();
  file_to_ceck = nox-prop_decrypted;
  if ((system_bin_files != (char **)0x0) &&
     (system_bin_file = *system_bin_files, system_bin_file != (char *)0x0)) {
    p_system_bin_files = system_bin_files;
    bVar2 = false;
    do {
      p_system_bin_files = p_system_bin_files + 1;
      iVar4 = strcmp(file_to_ceck,system_bin_file);
      bVar1 = true;
      if (iVar4 != 0) {
        bVar1 = bVar2;
      system_bin_file = *p_system_bin_files;
      bVar2 = bVar1;
    } while (system_bin_file != (char *)0x0);
    if (bVar1) {
      return 1;
  system_bin_files = get_system_bin_files();
  file_to_ceck = nox-vbox-sf_decrypted;
  if ((system_bin_files != (char **)0x0) &&
     (system_bin_file = *system_bin_files, system_bin_file != (char *)0x0)) {
    p_system_bin_files = system_bin_files;
    bVar2 = false;
    do {
      p_system_bin_files = p_system_bin_files + 1;
      iVar4 = strcmp(file_to_ceck,system_bin_file);
      bVar1 = true;
      if (iVar4 != 0) {
        bVar1 = bVar2;
      system_bin_file = *p_system_bin_files;
      bVar2 = bVar1;
    } while (system_bin_file != (char *)0x0);
    if (bVar1) {
      return 1;
  system_bin_files = get_system_bin_files();
  file_to_ceck = noxd_decrypted;
  if ((system_bin_files == (char **)0x0) ||
     (system_bin_file = *system_bin_files, system_bin_file == (char *)0x0)) {
    result = 0;
  else {
    result = 0;
    p_system_bin_files = system_bin_files;
    do {
      p_system_bin_files = p_system_bin_files + 1;
      iVar4 = strcmp(file_to_ceck,system_bin_file);
      uVar3 = 1;
      if (iVar4 != 0) {
        uVar3 = result;
      result = uVar3;
      system_bin_file = *p_system_bin_files;
    } while (system_bin_file != (char *)0x0);
  return result;

Checked files:

  • nox-prop
  • nox-vbox-sf
  • noxd

For detecting the files it is also possible to use the API call pathconf with the value 0xb as parameter, in case the return value is 0x1000 it means the artifact exists:

int detect_nox_system(void)
  ulong uVar1;
  int return_value;
  long i;
  char cVar2;
  ulong k;
  char flag;
  if (/system/bin/nox-prop_decrypted == '\0') {
    i = 0;
    flag = '\0';
    while( true ) {
      while (flag == '\x01') {
        /system/bin/nox-prop_decrypted = '\x01';
        flag = '\x02';
      if (flag != '\0') break;
      s_/system/bin/nox-prop_0011528f[i] = s_/system/bin/nox-prop_0011528f[i] + -0x2f;
      i = i + 1;
      flag = i == 0x15;
    if (flag != '\x02') {
      do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
      } while( true );
  i = pathconf(s_/system/bin/nox-prop_0011528f,0xb);
  return_value = SYSTEM_BIN_NOX;
  if (i != 0x1000) {
    if (/system/bin/noxd_decrypted == '\0') {
      i = 0;
      flag = '\0';
      while( true ) {
        while (flag == '\x01') {
          /system/bin/noxd_decrypted = '\x01';
          flag = '\x02';
        if (flag != '\0') break;
        s_/system/bin/noxd_001152a4[i] = s_/system/bin/noxd_001152a4[i] + -0xd;
        i = i + 1;
        flag = i == 0x11;
      if (flag != '\x02') {
        do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
        } while( true );
    i = pathconf(s_/system/bin/noxd_001152a4,0xb);
    return_value = SYSTEM_BIN_NOXD;
    if (i != 0x1000) {
      if (/system/bin/nox-vbox-sf_decrypted == '\0') {
        i = 0;
        flag = '\0';
        while( true ) {
          while (flag == '\x01') {
            /system/bin/nox-vbox-sf_decrypted = '\x01';
            flag = '\x02';
          if (flag != '\0') break;
          s_/system/bin/nox-vbox-sf_001152b5[i] = s_/system/bin/nox-vbox-sf_001152b5[i] + -0x37;
          i = i + 1;
          flag = i == 0x18;
        if (flag != '\x02') {
          do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
          } while( true );
      i = pathconf(s_/system/bin/nox-vbox-sf_001152b5,0xb);
      return_value = SYSTEM_BIN_NOX_VBOX_SF;
      if (i != 0x1000) {
        if (/system/bin/noxspeedup_decrypted == '\0') {
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[0] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[0] + -0x4e;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[1] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[1] + -0x4f;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[2] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[2] + -0x50;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[3] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[3] + -0x51;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[4] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[4] + -0x52;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[5] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[5] + -0x53;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[6] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[6] + -0x54;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[7] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[7] + -0x55;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[8] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[8] + -0x56;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[9] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[9] + -0x57;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[10] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[10] + -0x58;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[11] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[11] + -0x59;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[12] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[12] + -0x5a;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[13] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[13] + -0x5b;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[14] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[14] + -0x5c;
          s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[15] = s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[15] + -0x5d;
          flag = '\0';
          i = 0x10;
          while( true ) {
            while (flag == '\x01') {
              /system/bin/noxspeedup_decrypted = '\x01';
              flag = '\x02';
            if (flag != '\0') break;
            s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[i] =
                 s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0[i] + (-0x4e - (char)i);
            i = i + 1;
            flag = i == 0x17;
          if (flag != '\x02') {
            do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
            } while( true );
        i = pathconf(s_/system/bin/noxspeedup_001152d0,_PC_PRIO_IO);
        return_value = SYSTEM_NOX_NOXSPEEDUP;
        if (i != 0x1000) {
          if (/system/lib/libnoxspeedup.so_decrypted == '\0') {
            i = 0;
            flag = '\0';
            while( true ) {
              while (flag == '\x01') {
                /system/lib/libnoxspeedup.so_decrypted = '\x01';
                flag = '\x02';
              if (flag != '\0') break;
              s_/system/lib/libnoxspeedup.so_001152e7[i] =
                   s_/system/lib/libnoxspeedup.so_001152e7[i] + -0x16;
              i = i + 1;
              flag = i == 0x1d;
            if (flag != '\x02') {
              do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
              } while( true );
          i = pathconf(s_/system/lib/libnoxspeedup.so_001152e7,0xb);
          return_value = SYSTEM_LIB_LIBNOXSPEEDUP_SO;
          if (i != 0x1000) {
            if (/system/lib/libnoxd.so_decrypted == '\0') {
              flag = 42;
              i = -0x16;
              uVar1 = 0;
              do {
                k = uVar1;
                cVar2 = s_/system/lib/libnoxd.so_00115304[k];
                s_/system/lib/libnoxd.so_00115304[k] = cVar2 - flag;
                flag = s_/system/lib/libnoxd.so_00115304[k | 1] - (cVar2 - flag);
                s_/system/lib/libnoxd.so_00115304[k | 1] = flag;
                i = i + 2;
                uVar1 = k + 2;
              } while (i != 0);
              cVar2 = '\x01';
              while (cVar2 == '\x01') {
                s_/system/lib/libnoxd.so_00115304[k + 2] =
                     s_/system/lib/libnoxd.so_00115304[k + 2] - flag;
                /system/lib/libnoxd.so_decrypted = '\x01';
                cVar2 = '\x02';
              if (cVar2 != '\x02') {
                do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
                } while( true );
            i = pathconf(s_/system/lib/libnoxd.so_00115304,0xb);
            return_value = SYSTEM_LIB_LIBNOXD_SO;
            if (i != 0x1000) {
              return_value = 0;
            return return_value;
  return return_value;

The files checked in this case are:

  • /system/bin/nox-prop
  • /system/bin/noxd
  • /system/bin/nox-vbox-sf
  • /system/bin/noxspeedup
  • /system/lib/
  • /system/lib/

Check for Qemu files

Different Qemu files checked using access API call:

bool has_qemu_files(void)
  int iVar1;
  bool bVar2;
  iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/platform/drivers/qemu_pipe_decrypted,0);
  bVar2 = true;
  if (iVar1 == -1) {
    iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/platform/drivers/qemu_trace_decrypted,0);
    bVar2 = iVar1 != -1;
  return bVar2;
  • /sys/bus/platform/drivers/qemu_pipe
  • /sys/bus/platform/drivers/qemu_trace

Check for virtualbox files

Checks with access API call for detecting virtualbox environment:

bool has_vbox_files(void)
  int iVar1;
  iVar1 = access(/dev/vboxguest_decrypted,0);
  if ((((((iVar1 == -1) && (iVar1 = access(/dev/vboxuser_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
        (iVar1 = access(/fstab.vbox86_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
       (((((iVar1 = access(/init.vbox86.rc_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
           (iVar1 = access(/system/lib/vboxvideo.ko_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
          ((iVar1 = access(/system/xbin/mount.vboxsf_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
           ((iVar1 = access(/ueventd.vbox86.rc_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
            (iVar1 = access(/system/lib/hw/audio.primary.vbox86.so_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1))))))
         && (iVar1 = access(/system/lib/hw/camera.vbox86.so_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
        ((((iVar1 = access(/system/lib/hw/gralloc.vbox86.so_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
           (iVar1 = access(DAT_000226bc,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
          (iVar1 = access(/system/lib/hw/sensors.vbox86.so_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
         ((iVar1 = access(/proc/irq/9/vboxguest_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
          (iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)))))))) &&
      ((((iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/0000:00:04.0_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
         ((iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/bind_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
          (iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/module_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)))) &&
        ((iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/new_id_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
         ((((iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/remove_id_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
            (iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/uevent_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
           (iVar1 = access(/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/unbind_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
          ((iVar1 = access(/ssys/class/bdi/vboxsf-c_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
           (iVar1 = access(/sys/class/misc/vboxguest_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)))))))) &&
       ((iVar1 = access(/sys/class/misc/vboxuser_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
        ((iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/bdi/vboxsf-c,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
         (iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)))))))) &&
     (((iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest/dev_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
       (((iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest/power_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
         (iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest/subsystem_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1))
        && (iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest/uevent_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1))))
      && ((((iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
            (iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser/dev_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
           ((iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser/power_decrypt,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
            ((iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser/subsystem_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1
             && (iVar1 = access(/sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser/uevent_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)
             ))))) &&
          ((iVar1 = access(/sys/module/vboxguest/_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
           (((((iVar1 = access(/sys/module/vboxsf/_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1 &&
               (iVar1 = access(/sys/module/vboxvideo/_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
              (iVar1 = access(/system/lib/vboxpcism.ko_decrypted,0), iVar1 == -1)) &&
             ((iVar1 = access(/system/lib/modules/3.0.8-android-x86+/extra/vboxguest_decrypted,0),
              iVar1 == -1 &&
              (iVar1 = access(/system/lib/modules/3.0.8-android-x86+/extra/vboxguest/vboxguest.ko_de crypted
                              ,0), iVar1 == -1)))) &&
            (iVar1 = access(/system/lib/modules/3.0.8-android-x86+/extra/vboxsf_decrypted,0),
            iVar1 == -1)))))))))) {
    iVar1 = access(/system/lib/modules/3.0.8-android-x86+/extra/vboxsf/vboxsf.ko_decrypted,0);
    if (iVar1 == -1) {
      iVar1 = access(/system/bin/mount.vboxsf_decrypted,0);
      return iVar1 != -1;
    return true;
  return true;

Next is the list of files checked:

  • /dev/vboxguest
  • /dev/vboxuser
  • /fstab.vbox86
  • /init.vbox86.rc
  • /system/lib/vboxvideo.ko
  • /system/xbin/mount.vboxsf
  • /ueventd.vbox86.rc
  • /system/lib/hw/
  • /system/lib/hw/
  • /system/lib/hw/
  • /system/lib/hw/
  • /proc/irq/9/vboxguest
  • /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest
  • /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/0000:00:04.0
  • /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/bind
  • /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/module
  • /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/new_id
  • /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/remove_id
  • /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/uevent
  • /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vboxguest/unbind
  • /ssys/class/bdi/vboxsf-c
  • /sys/class/misc/vboxguest
  • /sys/class/misc/vboxuser
  • /sys/devices/virtual/bdi/vboxsf-c
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest/dev
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest/power
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest/subsystem
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxguest/uevent
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser/dev
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser/power
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser/subsystem_
  • /sys/devices/virtual/misc/vboxuser/uevent
  • /sys/module/vboxguest/
  • /sys/module/vboxsf/
  • /sys/module/vboxvideo/
  • /system/lib/vboxpcism.ko
  • /system/lib/modules/3.0.8-android-x86+/extra/vboxguest
  • /system/lib/modules/3.0.8-android-x86+/extra/vboxguest/vboxguest.ko
  • /system/lib/modules/3.0.8-android-x86+/extra/vboxsf
  • /system/lib/modules/3.0.8-android-x86+/extra/vboxsf/vboxsf.ko
  • /system/bin/mount.vboxsf

There’s also a check for two kernel objects from virtualbox, for obtaining them the command ls /system/lib is run:

char ** get_lib_files(void)
  char **ppcVar1;
  ppcVar1 = (char **)exec_command_lines(ls_/system/lib_decrypted);
  return ppcVar1;

int has_vbox_files_in_lib(void)

  bool bVar1;
  bool bVar2;
  char *pcVar3;
  int iVar4;
  char **ppcVar5;
  int iVar6;
  int iVar7;
  char *pcVar8;
  char **ppcVar9;
  ppcVar5 = get_lib_files();
  pcVar3 = vboxguest.ko_decrypted;
  if ((ppcVar5 != (char **)0x0) && (pcVar8 = *ppcVar5, pcVar8 != (char *)0x0)) {
    ppcVar9 = ppcVar5;
    bVar2 = false;
    do {
      ppcVar9 = ppcVar9 + 1;
      iVar6 = strcmp(pcVar3,pcVar8);
      bVar1 = true;
      if (iVar6 != 0) {
        bVar1 = bVar2;
      pcVar8 = *ppcVar9;
      bVar2 = bVar1;
    } while (pcVar8 != (char *)0x0);
    if (bVar1) {
      return CONCAT31((int3)((uint)ppcVar5 >> 8),1);
  ppcVar5 = get_lib_files();
  pcVar3 = vboxsf.ko_decrypted;
  if ((ppcVar5 == (char **)0x0) || (pcVar8 = *ppcVar5, pcVar8 == (char *)0x0)) {
    iVar6 = 0;
  else {
    iVar6 = 0;
    ppcVar9 = ppcVar5;
    do {
      ppcVar9 = ppcVar9 + 1;
      iVar7 = strcmp(pcVar3,pcVar8);
      iVar4 = CONCAT31((int3)((uint)iVar7 >> 8),1);
      if (iVar7 != 0) {
        iVar4 = iVar6;
      iVar6 = iVar4;
      pcVar8 = *ppcVar9;
    } while (pcVar8 != (char *)0x0);
  return iVar6;

Files checked:

  • /system/lib/vboxguest.ko
  • /system/lib/vboxsf.ko

Check for virtio folder

Check of the virtio’s folder to detect hardware acceleration used in android emulation:

int has_virtio_folder(void)
  DIR *__dirp;
  dirent *pdVar1;
  char *pcVar2;
  int iVar3;
  __dirp = opendir(/sys/bus_decrypted);
  if (__dirp == (DIR *)0x0) {
    iVar3 = 0;
  else {
    do {
      pdVar1 = readdir(__dirp);
      if (pdVar1 == (dirent *)0x0) {
        goto LAB_0001d381;
      pcVar2 = strstr(pdVar1->d_name + 8,virtio_decrypted);
    } while (pcVar2 == (char *)0x0);
    iVar3 = CONCAT31((int3)((uint)pcVar2 >> 8),1);
  return iVar3;

Folder checked:

  • /sys/bus/virtio

Networking checks

Commonly networking from an emulated device is configured in a different way than a real device, also some card interfaces contain names that computers have, it is possible to read network configuration from the path /system/bin/netcfg, and different values can be checked if they exist:

private boolean checkIp() {
    String[] strArr = {"/system/bin/netcfg"};
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    try {
        ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(strArr); File("/system/bin/"));
        InputStream inputStream = processBuilder.start().getInputStream();
        byte[] bArr = new byte[1024];
        while ( != -1) {
            sb.append(new String(bArr));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    String sb2 = sb.toString();
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sb2)) {
        String[] split = sb2.split("\n");
        for (String str : split) {
            if ((str.contains("wlan0") || str.contains("tunl0") || str.contains("eth0")) && str.contains(IP)) {
                return true;
    return false;

Check by Package names

Some emulators by default will have

private List<String> mListPackageName = {"", "com.bluestacks", ""};

private boolean checkPackageName() {
    if (!this.isCheckPackage || this.mListPackageName.isEmpty()) {
        return false;
    PackageManager packageManager = mContext.getPackageManager();
    for (String str : this.mListPackageName) {
        Intent launchIntentForPackage = packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(str);
        if (!(launchIntentForPackage == null || packageManager.queryIntentActivities(launchIntentForPackage, 65536).isEmpty())) {
            return true;
    return false;

It is possible to detect koplayer emulator using the utility pm in order to retrieve all the packages installed and checking for com.koplay.launcher:

char ** pm_apps_installed(void)
  char **installed_packages;
  installed_packages = (char **)exec_command_lines(pm_list_packages_decrypted);
  return installed_packages;

uint has_ko_player_apps_installed(void)
  char **apps;
  uint result;
  char **next_app;
  char *app;
  char *index_name;
  apps = pm_apps_installed();
  if (apps == (char **)0x0) {
    result = 0;
  else {
    app = *apps;
    result = 0;
    if (app != (char *)0x0) {
      index_name = (char *)0x0;
      next_app = apps;
      do {
        next_app = next_app + 1;
        if (index_name == (char *)0x0) {
          index_name = strstr(app,com.koplay.launcher_decrypted);
        app = *next_app;
      } while (app != (char *)0x0);
      result = (uint)apps & 0xffffff00 | (uint)(index_name != (char *)0x0);
  return result;

The next packages could be used to detect Bluestacks emulator:

  • com.bluestacks.filemanager
  • com.bluestacks.appmart
  • com.bluestacks.BstCommandProcessor
  • com.bluestacks.settings
  • com.bluestacks.home
  • com.bluestacks.appguidance

And the next for detecting MEmu App Player:

  • com.microvirt.installer
  • com.microvirt.memuime
  • com.microvirt.launcher
  • com.microvirt.launcher2

Packages that will be present in Nox emulator:

  • com.vphone.googlesign
  • com.vphone.helper
  • com.vphone.launcher

Detection of architecture inconsistencies

Using values from the device like the valueID or modelID, it is possible trying to detect inconsistencies in the architecture

int is_arch_inconsistent(void)

  bool bVar1;
  char *check1;
  char *check2;
  undefined4 uVar2;
  char *chec3;
  char *check4;
  int iVar3;
  char **value_id_model_id;
  int local_18;
  char **encrypted_values;
  char *p_model_id;
  local_18 = __stack_chk_guard;
  value_id_model_id = (char **)0x0;
  bVar1 = _Z12get_cpu_infoPP8cpu_info((char **)&value_id_model_id);
  encrypted_values = value_id_model_id;
  if (bVar1 != true) {
    free_cpu_info((cpu_info **)&value_id_model_id);
    iVar3 = 0;
    goto _end_of_method;
  check1 = strstr(*value_id_model_id,GenuineIntel_decrypted);
  p_model_id = encrypted_values[1];
  check2 = strstr(p_model_id,Virtual_CPU_decrypted);
  if ((check1 == (char *)0x0) || (check2 == (char *)0x0)) {
    if (check1 == (char *)0x0) {
      p_model_id = strstr(*value_id_model_id,AuthenticAMD_decrypted);
      if (p_model_id != (char *)0x0) {
        p_model_id = get_bluestacks_hardware();
        if ((p_model_id == (char *)0x0) || (*p_model_id == '\0')) {
          p_model_id = (char *)get_ro_boot_hardware();
          if ((p_model_id != (char *)0x0) && (*p_model_id != '\0'))
          goto _check_of_ro_hardware_ro_boot_hardware;
        else {
          check1 = strstr(p_model_id,samsungexynos8890_decrypted);
          if ((((check1 != (char *)0x0) ||
               (check1 = strstr(p_model_id,taimen_decrypted), check1 != (char *)0x0)) ||
              (check1 = strstr(p_model_id,qcom_decrypted), check1 != (char *)0x0)) ||
             ((((check1 = strstr(p_model_id,exynos9820_decrypted), check1 != (char *)0x0 ||
                (check1 = strstr(p_model_id,samsungexynos8895_decrypted), check1 != (char *)0x0)) ||
               (check1 = strstr(p_model_id,ttVM_x86_decrypted), check1 != (char *)0x0)) ||
              (check1 = strstr(p_model_id,vbox86_decrypted), check1 != (char *)0x0))))
          goto LAB_0001b58c;
      free_cpu_info((cpu_info **)&value_id_model_id);
      iVar3 = 0;
      goto _end_of_method;
    check1 = strstr(p_model_id,Xeon_decrypted);
    check2 = strstr(p_model_id,i9_decrypted);
    chec3 = strstr(p_model_id,i7_decrypted);
    check4 = strstr(p_model_id,i5_decrypted);
    p_model_id = strstr(p_model_id,i3_decrypted);
    if ((((check1 == (char *)0x0) && (check2 == (char *)0x0)) && (chec3 == (char *)0x0)) &&
       ((check4 == (char *)0x0 && (p_model_id == (char *)0x0)))) goto _check_of_inconsistences;
    p_model_id = get_bluestacks_hardware();
    if ((p_model_id == (char *)0x0) || (*p_model_id == '\0')) {
      p_model_id = (char *)get_ro_boot_hardware();
      if ((p_model_id != (char *)0x0) && (*p_model_id != '\0'))
      goto _check_of_ro_hardware_ro_boot_hardware2;
      goto _check_of_inconsistences;
    check1 = strstr(p_model_id,samsungexynos8890_decrypted);
    if ((check1 == (char *)0x0) &&
       (((((check1 = strstr(p_model_id,taimen_decrypted), check1 == (char *)0x0 &&
           (check1 = strstr(p_model_id,qcom_decrypted), check1 == (char *)0x0)) &&
          (check1 = strstr(p_model_id,exynos9820_decrypted), check1 == (char *)0x0)) &&
         ((check1 = strstr(p_model_id,samsungexynos8895_decrypted), check1 == (char *)0x0 &&
          (check1 = strstr(p_model_id,ttVM_x86_decrypted), check1 == (char *)0x0)))) &&
        (check1 = strstr(p_model_id,vbox86_decrypted), check1 == (char *)0x0)))) goto LAB_0001b492;
    uVar2 = free_cpu_info((cpu_info **)&value_id_model_id);
  else {
    uVar2 = free_cpu_info((cpu_info **)&value_id_model_id);
  iVar3 = CONCAT31((int3)((uint)uVar2 >> 8),1);
  if (__stack_chk_guard != local_18) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  return iVar3;

Possible Values IDs.

  • Value ID: GenuineIntel
  • Value ID: AuthenticAMD

Possible Model IDs.

  • Model id: Virtual CPU
  • Model id: Xeon
  • Model id: i9
  • Model id: i7
  • Model id: i5
  • Model id: i3

Values to check from ro.hardware and ro.boot.hardware:

  • ro.hardware: samsungexynos8890
  • ro.hardware: taimen
  • ro.hardware: qcom
  • ro.hardware: exynos9820
  • ro.hardware: samsungexynos8895
  • ro.hardware: ttVM x86

  • ro.boot.hardware: samsungexynos8890
  • ro.boot.hardware: taimen
  • ro.boot.hardware: qcom
  • ro.boot.hardware: exynos9820
  • ro.boot.hardware: samsungexynos8895
  • ro.boot.hardware: ttVM x86
