Table of contents


Mobile devices can be rooted in order to obtain higher permissions in applications or processes in order to get higher capabilities. Rooting allows: access to process memory of an application for accessing protected data or keys, access to files from applications folders, mounting system partition with write permission, creating files in system partition, and so on. Because an application wouldn’t like that another could access its files, or to avoid analysis with tools like frida, there are techniques for detecting that the phone is rooted and has capabilities to use other analysis tools.


Check su file in PATH environment variable paths

The first one checks for the su file in all the paths from the environment variable PATH:

public static boolean checkRoot1() {
    for (String str : System.getenv("PATH").split(":")) {
        if (new File(str, "su").exists()) {
            return true;
    return false;

The binary /system/xbin/which can be also used to do this check:

public static final boolean hasRootPermission() {
    return ProcUtilsKt.checkCommandExist(new String[]{"/system/xbin/which", "su"});

Check Android debug compilation signals

Check of the Build.TAGS for value “test-keys”:

public static boolean checkRoot2() {
    String str = Build.TAGS;
    return str != null && str.contains("test-keys");

Or for a value different to “release-key”:

public static final boolean checkInvalidBuildTags() {
    String str = Build.TAGS;
    return str == null || (str.equals("release-keys") ^ true);

Look for rooting application and artifacts

Finally the checks in Java side include one with hardcoded paths, the checked paths include possible path of su binaries, and root applications:

The method exists from the class can be used to detect files from rooting applications, as well as their artifacts:

public static boolean checkRoot3() {
    for (String str : new String[]{/* Files */}) {
        if (new File(str).exists()) {
            return true;
    return false;

Check of files using the method toString from

return new File(/* file path */).toString().equals(/* file path */);

Using the method access from android.system.Os, to check access to a given file:

public static final boolean checkRootCloakFileModifiedOSAccess() {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) {
        return false;
    try {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
            return Os.access(/* file path */, OsConstants.F_OK);
        return false;
    } catch (Exception unused) {
        return false;


  • /system/app/Superuser.apk
  • /system/xbin/daemonsu
  • /system/etc/init.d/99SuperSUDaemon
  • /system/bin/.ext/.su
  • /system/etc/.has_su_daemon
  • /system/etc/.installed_su_daemon
  • /dev/com.koushikdutta.superuser.daemon/
  • /system/bin/su
  • /sbin/su
  • /system/xbin/su
  • /system/usr/we-need-root/su-backup
  • /system/xbin/mu

In case of rooting applications, it’s possible to list the installed packages, and check if a known rooting application is installed. It is possible to obtain this list using the Package manager:

private static final boolean hasMaliciousPackagesInstalled(Context context) {
    String[] strArr = { /* Package name */ };
    List<ApplicationInfo> installedApplications = context.getPackageManager().getInstalledApplications(128);
    List listOf = CollectionsKt.listOf((Object[]) ((String[]) Arrays.copyOf(strArr, strArr.length)));
    for (ApplicationInfo applicationInfo : installedApplications) {
        if (listOf.contains(applicationInfo.packageName)) {
            return true;
    return false;


  • com.thirdparty.superuser
  • eu.chainfire.supersu
  • com.koushikdutta.superuser
  • com.zachspong.temprootremovejb
  • com.ramdroid.appquarantine

Another way to check for a Package is trying to retrieve information about it with the method getPackageInfo from class, and then checking the activities from the package, we can find that with cyanogenmod, the package will contain cyanogenmod.superuser as activity:

private static final boolean hasMaliciousActivities(Context context) {
    try {
        PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("", "cyanogenmod.superuser");
        for (Map.Entry entry : hashMap.entrySet()) {
            String str = (String) entry.getValue();
            for (ActivityInfo activityInfo : packageManager.getPackageInfo((String) entry.getKey(), 1).activities) {
                String str2 =;
                Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(str2, "");
                if (StringsKt.contains$default((CharSequence) str2, (CharSequence) str, false, 2, (Object) null)) {
                    return true;
    } catch (Exception unused) {
    return false;

Look for Magisk in system

Magisk is a known rooting software that modifies Android configuration in order to allow applications get higher capabilities.

public static final Pair<String, String> executeCommand(@NotNull String[] strArr) {
    Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(strArr, "cmd");
    try {
        Process exec = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(strArr);
        Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(exec, "process");
        InputStream inputStream = exec.getInputStream();
        Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(inputStream, "process.inputStream");
        String readOutput = readOutput(inputStream);
        InputStream errorStream = exec.getErrorStream();
        Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(errorStream, "process.errorStream");
        String readOutput2 = readOutput(errorStream);
        return new Pair<>(readOutput, readOutput2);
    } catch (IOException | InterruptedException | Exception unused) {
        return new Pair<>(BuildConfig.FLAVOR, BuildConfig.FLAVOR);

public static final boolean isMagiskInstalled() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("/system/bin/netstat -x | grep ");
    return ProcUtilsKt.executeCommandWithTimeOut(new String[]{"sh", "-c", sb.toString()}).getFirst().length() > 0;

Magisk modifies the selinux enforce policies, and some protectors check this in order to detect Magisk, one of the codes check when the process was created checking its */proc/* last modification time, and the last modification time of */sys/fs/selinux/enforce*:

uint runtime_detection_RootDetector_b
               (undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,uint param_3)

  ulong uVar1;
  uint pid;
  int return_values;
  long i;
  ulong j;
  long in_FS_OFFSET;
  char flag;
  char proc_pid_path [32];
  stat proc_pid_stat;
  stat selinux_enforce_stat;
  long CANARY;
  char aux;
  CANARY = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
  if (sys_fs_selinux_enforce_decrypted == '\0') {
    i = 0;
    flag = '\0';
    while( true ) {
      while (flag == '\x01') {
        sys_fs_selinux_enforce_decrypted = '\x01';
        flag = '\x02';
      if (flag != '\0') break;
      s_/sys/fs/selinux/enforce_001150e0[i] = s_/sys/fs/selinux/enforce_001150e0[i] + -0x17;
      i = i + 1;
      flag = i == 0x18;
    if (flag != '\x02') {
      do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
      } while( true );
  return_values = stat64(PTR_s_/sys/fs/selinux/enforce_001150d0,&selinux_enforce_stat);
  if (return_values == 0) {
    if (proc_d_decrypted == '\0') {
      aux = '\x01';
      flag = 'T';
      i = 8;
      uVar1 = 0;
      while (j = uVar1, aux == '\x01') {
        aux = s_/proc/%d_00115266[j];
        s_/proc/%d_00115266[j] = aux - flag;
        flag = s_/proc/%d_00115266[j | 1] - (aux - flag);
        s_/proc/%d_00115266[j | 1] = flag;
        i = i + -2;
        aux = i != 0;
        uVar1 = j + 2;
        if (!(bool)aux) {
          s_/proc/%d_00115266[j + 2] = s_/proc/%d_00115266[j + 2] - flag;
          proc_d_decrypted = '\x01';
          aux = '\x02';
      if (aux != '\x02') {
        do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
        } while( true );
    pid = getpid();
    return_values = sprintf(proc_pid_path,(char *)0x20,s_/proc/%d_00115266,(ulong)pid);
    if (return_values < 1) {
      proc_pid_path[0] = -0x10;
    return_values = stat64(proc_pid_path,&proc_pid_stat);
    if ((return_values == 0) && (proc_pid_stat.st_ctim.tv_sec != 0)) {
      pid = param_3 ^ 0xf7;
      if (selinux_enforce_stat.st_ctim.tv_sec <= proc_pid_stat.st_ctim.tv_sec + -3) {
        pid = param_3;
      if (selinux_enforce_stat.st_ctim.tv_sec != 0) {
        param_3 = pid;
  if (*(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28) == CANARY) {
    return param_3;
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

Another check includes also the path /sys/fs/selinux/enforce, but instead of checking for */proc/* it checks for */dev* in order to discover when the last *device* was created and with it, check if the modification time of the **selinux** enforce policy is related to the creationg of that *device*:

uint runtime_detection_RootDetector_e
               (undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,uint param_3)

  int returned_value;
  long i;
  uint uVar1;
  long in_FS_OFFSET;
  char counter;
  stat.conflict dev_stat;
  stat.conflict selinux_enforce_stat;
  long CANARY;
  CANARY = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
  if (sys_fs_selinux_enforce_decrypted == '\0') {
    i = 0;
    counter = '\x01';
    while (counter == '\x01') {
      s_/sys/fs/selinux/enforce_001150e0[i] = s_/sys/fs/selinux/enforce_001150e0[i] + -0x17;
      i = i + 1;
      counter = i != 0x18;
      if (!(bool)counter) {
        sys_fs_selinux_enforce_decrypted = '\x01';
        counter = '\x02';
    if (counter != '\x02') {
      do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
      } while( true );
  returned_value = stat64(PTR_s_/sys/fs/selinux/enforce_001150d0,&selinux_enforce_stat);
  if (returned_value == 0) {
    if (/dev_decrypted == '\0') {
      i = 0;
      counter = '\x01';
      while (counter == '\x01') {
        s_/dev_001150f8[i] = s_/dev_001150f8[i] + (-0x5b - (char)i);
        i = i + 1;
        counter = i != 5;
        if (!(bool)counter) {
          /dev_decrypted = '\x01';
          counter = '\x02';
      if (counter != '\x02') {
        do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
        } while( true );
    returned_value = stat64(PTR_s_/dev_001150d8,&dev_stat);
    if ((returned_value == 0) && (selinux_enforce_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec != 0)) {
      uVar1 = param_3 ^ 0xf8;
      if (selinux_enforce_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec <= dev_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec + 100) {
        uVar1 = param_3;
      if (dev_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec != 0) {
        param_3 = uVar1;
  if (*(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28) == CANARY) {
    return param_3;
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

Possible check of Xposed framework

Xposed framework modifies the /system/bin/app_process, creation of a daemon process forking two times and waiting until the parent process is zygote, the daemon process tries reading /system/bin/app_process and extract the TracerPID value from /proc/status.

uint runtime_detection_RootDetector_c
               (undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,uint param_3,ulong i)

  long lVar1;
  int linux_pipe;
  pid_t pid;
  pid_t pid2;
  uint systembinappprocess_fd;
  undefined4 current_pid;
  long j;
  long unaff_RBP;
  long in_FS_OFFSET;
  char counter;
  int read_tracer_pid;
  int waitstatus;
  pollfd tracerpid;
  linux_pipe_struct pipefd;
  undefined *zygote_name_ptr;
  lVar1 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
  linux_pipe = pipe(&pipefd);
  if (linux_pipe == 0) {
    pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0) {
                    /* child 1 process
                       close the read part of the pipe. */
      pid2 = fork();
      if (pid2 == 0) {
                    /* child 2 process
                       inheritace only the write part of the pipe
                       as the parent closed the read part before forking */
        if (process_decrypted == '\0') {
          counter = '\0';
          while (counter != '\x03') {
            if (counter == '\x02') {
              process_decrypted = '\x01';
              counter = '\x03';
            else if (counter == '\x01') {
              s_process_0011526f[i] = s_process_0011526f[i] ^ (&DAT_00111b26)[i % 0xd];
              s_process_0011526f[i | 1] = s_process_0011526f[i | 1] ^ (&DAT_00111b26)[(i | 1) % 0xd]
              i = i + 2;
              unaff_RBP = unaff_RBP + -2;
              counter = (unaff_RBP == 0) + '\x01';
            else {
              counter = '\x01';
              unaff_RBP = 8;
              i = 0;
        zygote_name_ptr = __progname._0_8_;
        *__progname._0_8_ = 'z';
        zygote_name_ptr[1] = 'y';
        zygote_name_ptr[2] = 'g';
        zygote_name_ptr[3] = 'o';
        zygote_name_ptr[4] = 't';
        zygote_name_ptr[5] = 'e';
        zygote_name_ptr[6] = '_';
        zygote_name_ptr[7] = 'r';
        zygote_name_ptr[8] = 'e';
        zygote_name_ptr[9] = 'a';
        zygote_name_ptr[10] = 'c';
        zygote_name_ptr[0xb] = 't';
        zygote_name_ptr[0xc] = 'j';
        zygote_name_ptr[0xd] = 's';
        zygote_name_ptr[0xe] = 0;
        pid2 = getppid();
        if (pid2 != 1) {
          pid2 = getppid();
          if (pid2 != 1) {
            pid2 = getppid();
            if (pid2 != 1) {
              pid2 = getppid();
              if (pid2 != 1) {
                pid2 = getppid();
                if (pid2 != 1) {
                  pid2 = getppid();
                  if (pid2 != 1) {
                    pid2 = getppid();
                    if (pid2 != 1) {
                      pid2 = getppid();
                      if (pid2 != 1) {
                        pid2 = getppid();
                        if (pid2 != 1) {
                          pid2 = getppid();
                          if (pid2 != 1) {
                            pid2 = getppid();
                            if (pid2 != 1) {
                              pid2 = getppid();
                              if (pid2 != 1) {
                                pid2 = getppid();
                                if (pid2 != 1) {
                                  pid2 = getppid();
                                  if (pid2 != 1) {
                                    pid2 = getppid();
                                    if (pid2 != 1) {
                                      pid2 = getppid();
                                      if (pid2 != 1) {
                                        pid2 = getppid();
                                        if (pid2 != 1) {
                                          pid2 = getppid();
                                          if (pid2 != 1) {
                                            pid2 = getppid();
                                            if (pid2 != 1) {
                                              pid2 = getppid();
                                              if (pid2 != 1) {
        if (system_bin_app_process_decrypted == '\0') {
          j = 0;
          counter = '\0';
          while( true ) {
            while (counter == '\x01') {
              system_bin_app_process_decrypted = '\x01';
              counter = '\x02';
            if (counter != '\0') break;
            s_/system/bin/app_process_00115277[j] = s_/system/bin/app_process_00115277[j] + -0x37;
            j = j + 1;
            counter = j == 0x18;
          if (counter != '\x02') {
            do {
                    /* WARNING: Do nothing block with infinite loop */
            } while( true );
                    /* linux daemon checks */
        systembinappprocess_fd = open(s_/system/bin/app_process_00115277,O_RDONLY);
        if (systembinappprocess_fd != 0xffffffff) {
        tracerpid.fd = extract_tracerpid_from_proc_status();
        if (tracerpid.fd < 1) {
          systembinappprocess_fd = open(s_/system/bin/app_process_00115277,O_RDONLY);
          if (systembinappprocess_fd != 0xffffffff) {
          tracerpid.fd = extract_tracerpid_from_proc_status();
          if (tracerpid.fd < 1) {
            systembinappprocess_fd = open(s_/system/bin/app_process_00115277,O_RDONLY);
            if (systembinappprocess_fd != 0xffffffff) {
            tracerpid.fd = extract_tracerpid_from_proc_status();
                    /* end of child process 2 */
      current_pid = getpid();
                    /* end of child process 1 */
                    /* first parent process */
    tracerpid.fd = pipefd.read_pipe;
    tracerpid._4_4_ = 1;
    linux_pipe = poll(&tracerpid,1,4000);
    if (linux_pipe < 1) {
    else {
      read_tracer_pid = -1;
      if (0 < read_tracer_pid) {
        param_3 = param_3 ^ 0xf9;
  if (*(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28) != lVar1) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  return param_3;

Detect busybox

busybox is a software package that contains various Linux utilities, this is commonly installed when a device is rooted. It is possible to detect busybox running it and checking if there’s an exception:

public static final boolean hasBusyBoxInstalled() {
    try {
        Runtime.getRuntime().exec((new String[]{"busybox"});
        return true;
    } catch (Exception unused) {
        return false;

Detection of incorrect permissions in system files

When a device is rooted the partitions can be remounted with different permissions to the ones they should have (e.g. System with read/write permissions), the class could be used to check the permissions from the files in the next way:

private static final boolean hasExtendedPermissions() {
    HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
    hashMap.put(/* path */, /* Permissions.VALUE */);
    for (Map.Entry entry : hashMap.entrySet()) {
        File file = new File('/' + ((String) entry.getKey()));
        switch ((Permissions) entry.getValue()) {
            case READ:
                if (!file.canRead()) {
                } else {
                    return true;
            case WRITE:
                if (!file.canWrite()) {
                } else {
                    return true;
            case READ_WRITE:
                if (file.canRead() && file.canWrite()) {
                    return true;
    return false;

Possible values from Permission

  • Permissions.READ_WRITE
  • Permissions.READ
  • Permissions.WRITE

Files and permission checked

  • /data: read/write permission check
  • /: write permission check
  • /system: write permission check
  • /system/bin: write permission check
  • /system/sbin: write permission check
  • /system/xbin: write permission check
  • /vendor/bin: write permission check
  • /sys: write permission check
  • /sbin: write permission check
  • /etc: write permission check
  • /proc: write permission check
  • /dev: write permission check
